“Looking back it seemed incredible, but it turned out to be so true: Just by selecting Oracle Service Cloud (Oracle B2C Service) as our new CRM application, we managed to improve our Overall Service Level significantly in a growing number of countries without increasing the of agents working for us. Among others, it enabled us to increase the First Contact Resolution (ability to resolve customer issues on the first attempt, with no follow-up needed) from 50% to 80%. To reduce Customer Contact Time as well as the Average Number of Contacts per Customer from 4 to 1.7. To empower our managers to make informed decisions that drive continuous growth. And to top it all off, to reach a stunning Deflection Rate of around 60% by installing the FAQ section.” –Robert Jonker, Manager Customer Service & Quality, iBOOD.com


How Oracle Service Cloud (Oracle B2C Service) helped iBood to improve their Overall Service Level in a growing organization and without increasing the number of agents.

About iBOOD

iBOOD is an abbreviation for internet’s Best Daily Online Offer and is Europe’s biggest deal community platform. Every day, iBOOD’s customers reveals the best actual offers from the best premium brands at the lowest price available on the web. Unlike traditional online retailers or e-shops, iBOOD focuses on flash sales. Whereas they offer one deal per day across multiple categories. And multiple deals in one specific category during a period of 72 hours. A concept that has become popular with customers and enabled iBOOD to expand into seven countries.


Starting point and the need for a new CRM system

Several years ago, to boost its growth and increase its competitive edge, iBOOD was in need of a more powerful Online CRM Platform. A platform that should enable them to provide the best possible service to a rapidly increasing number of customers in a growing number of countries. Without hiring additional Service Agents working for their service desk. And a CRM application that enabled them to create the most complete (360 degrees) customer view, a rich knowledge base (FAQ’s) and multiple communication channels to tailor and enhance their overall Service Level.



To be able to provide optimal service to an growing number of customers with the same number of agents, the CRM platform needed to:

  • Facilitate an increase of sales of their daily offers.
  • Provide all the information available and required to instantly service every client via every possible communication channel.
  • Empower agents across contact centers in Poznan, Berlin, and Amsterdam to provide faster, better, and more consistent service. To more than two million online consumers across seven countries.
  • Empower supervisors and managers to make better (more informed) decisions faster. Pproviding them with detailed analytics on the buying behaviour of their consumers and their service requirements. As well as the service and performance provided by their agents.
  • Enhance consistency and cohesion throughout the organization. Integrating a global customer relationship management platform and a back office system that can be used for content management, order management and distribution.

Oracle Service Cloud as a preferred solution

After a thorough product orientation iBOOD selected Oracle Service Cloud (Oracle B2C Service), as their new CRM application. A powerful application that provides both Managers and Service Agents with all the information and tools they need to deliver the best possible, and the most consistent cross-channel service. And WeSquare as their Technical Partner to implement and maximize their investment in this new CRM application. Among others, WeSquare assisted with data migration, integration with iBOOD’s website and internal systems. The customization of the customer portal and the agents’ dashboard. And the roll-out of the complex service level agreements (SLA’s).

“After we adapted Oracle Service Cloud as our new CRM platform, we selected WeSquare as our technical partner to implement the application. And to make sure our system is always up-to-date, high performing and available to our agents and consumers. Whenever we have new requirements for our Oracle B2C Service application, they help us to make it happen within our system. Their experience and knowledge about this application and all available options are both exeptional as well as inspiring. Just as their consultants are reliable, no-nonsense, and precise in informing us what is possible and what isn’t. The go-live was smooth and we have had no major issues,” –Robert Jonker, Manager Customer Service & Quality, iBOOD.com


Nederlandse Kwaliteit voor Indiase Tarieven iBood
Oracle Service Cloud

Short-term Results

Looking back we are happy to say the path we chose together turned out to the right one. On the short-term, solely by adapting Oracle Service Cloud as our new CRM system, we managed to:

  • Boost our sales of our daily special offers as it sped up the Average Handling Time of our orders
  • Improve the efficiency of more than 30 agents providing them with a rich knowledgebase containing more than 370 items—empowering them to answer consumer questions by telephone immediately, without needing to conduct internal research offline and call back later
  • Increase the efficiency of our Service Center and our Agents due to
    • the reduced average Customer Contact Time
    • an increase of the first time resolutions (FTR) from 50% to 80%
    • an increasing of customer communication channels
  • Enhance the Consumer Experience (CX) as we improved our overall service level
  • Increase the First Contact Resolution (FCR) from 50% to nearly 80%. And to reduce the Average Number of Contacts per customer from 4 to 1.7. Providing customers with a smoother, trouble-free shopping experience for a range of top brand consumer goods
  • Enabled agents across three international contact centers to respond confidently to customer queries instead of relying on best guesses. For example concerning shipping delays or low warehouse stocks.
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction offering multi-channel support (web portal, email, telephone, and social media) to over two million customers. Which in return leads to increased consumer loyalty and sales of daily consumer goods
  • Provide managers with detailed insights enabling them to make better (more informed) decisions faster across the business. Based on KPI’s such as general service levels, case handling times, agent efficiency, and customer portal knowledgebase effectiveness. For example regarding optimum staffing levels in all three contact centers.


Long-term results

Whereas on the long-term it helped us to:

  • Boost overall company performance and cohesion by linking Oracle Service Cloud with iBOOD’s enterprise resource planning system.
  • Provide a robust, scalable system enabling iBOOD to continue its rapid growth according to future business needs. For example expanding into new geographical territories, or increasing its product offerings to include more non-electronic consumer goods in fields. Such as sports and fashion, home and living, training courses, and wines.
  • Create a flexible platform enabling iBOOD to develop its business model and practices and to increase their competitive edge. For example by introducing chat and co-browsing functions, enhancing its computer telephony integration (CTI) capability. And automating workflows that improve the agent as well as the customer experience.

“We wanted a robust, flexible, financially competitive cloud solution which would also keep our IT infrastructure as thin as possible. We considered solutions from Salesforce and Egain. But Oracle Service Cloud better suited our business model as well as our IT structure due to the simplicity of the data model.”
–Robert Jonker, Manager Customer Service & Quality, iBOOD.com

More Information about Oracle Service Cloud (Oracle B2C Service)

If you are a service oriented company and your aim is to improve your overall Service Level, without increasing the number of agents working at your service desk as well. You too might want to consider Oracle Service Cloud (or Oracle B2C Service as it is called nowadays) as your new CRM application and WeSquare as your technical partner.

At WeSquare we have over 15 years of experience managing and improving the most complex Oracle B2C Service systems all over the world. Whereas our passion is to always is to find the most effective solutions and cost efficient approach to help our clients get the very best out of their CRM solution from Oracle. As an Oracle Gold Partner, Oracle B2C Service specialist and Oracle Reseller Partner (EMEA) we see it as our mission to help organizations to maximize their investment in this CRM application. And to give them the assurance that their Oracle B2C Service solution is always optimized, high performing and available to deliver the ultimate Customer Experience (CX).

Call us at +31 853 012 993 to reach out, or visit our website to receive more information.




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